Belt to support „1000 Women Initiative”

On the occasion of the presentation of NALEDs Gray Book and the awarding of the „Reformer of the Year“, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Zorana Mihajlovic, wore a cloth in order to give a support for women in rural areas that are making traditional Serbian handicrafts as part of the „1000 Women“ initiative.

Training for 18 unemployed women was conducted in the city of Belgrade, of which 9 attendants in embroidery techniques, or 9 attendants of hand-weaving training, and on the exhibition are presented business gifts and souvenirs by Ethno Networks that trainees learned to make during the training. Through training and vocational training, trainees are given the opportunity to continuously earn income by opening a craft shops or engaging in craft associations locally and qualifying for inclusion in the „1000 women“ initiative and other development programs, in collaboration with the Ethno Network and NALED .

The exhibition invited state institutions and businesses to buy responsibly and to select handicrafts from the Ethno Network program as gifts for their business partners.
