Small school of filet-lace making

The initiative in partnership with Blic zena was continued today when the readers of the magazine from all over Serbia attended orientation class to get introduced to filet-lace making.

Even today, the area Mixer House\'s gathered as many as 100 women who responded to the invitation by „Blic woman“ and came to learn something more about the almost forgotten technique of filet-lace making. Ethno Network educators had their hands full and all present participants managed to get acquainted with this complicated traditional technique and take away the first samples.

Hosts of the event, editor in chief of „Blic woman“ Ruzica Mevorah, accompanied by Sofija Arsic and Dusanka Botunjac of Ethno Network at the end of today\'s gathering greeted all the participants and announced the new school of handicrafts in September.

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