International weaving day in Belgrade

The International weaving day was held for the first time on May 24, at the Nikola Pasic square in Belgrade, in organization of the Ethnographic museum in Belgrade, and under the auspices of a recognized textile manufacturer „St. George“, with the goal to promote the rich cultural tradition of Serbia. Ethno Network members from Vrbas, Veliko Gradiste, Kladovo, Kikinda, Negotin, Novi Sad and Zajecar, demonstrated their skills in traditional weaving techniques. Thanks to the assistance and design input of members of the Arts council within Ethno Network, i.e. Sofija Arsic and Dusanka Botunjac, each of the above groups presented specific ethno handicrafts: cushions from Vrbas, belts and associated products from Veliko Gradiste, Vlach motifs in Kladovo stand, garments from Kikinda, wine souvenirs in Negotin, colorful variety and beauty of Novi Sad, as well as abundant experience in production of scarves and purses in Zajecar. The interesting cultural performances held at the square, on this occasion intervowen with the Eurovision song contest events, were augmented with celebrities favoring ethno style, including Gorica Popovic, Bilja Krstic, Selimova Zelsevski duet, and many others who along with the weavers, contributed to promotion of our culture worldwide. Ethno Network will remain devoted to supporting events and presentations of traditional Serbian hand-woven products in kindred manifestations, that are recognized for quality and attention to detail unlike many other ones, that are poorly planned and organized.

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