Meeting with the Women\

With the support of the International Republican Institute (IRI), Ethno Network in the National Assembly gave a presentation with the MPs in the Women\'s Parliamentary Network in order to achieve cooperation and engage MPs to support artisans in rural areas dealing with handicrafts. Ethno Network acquainted MPs with the results of ten years of work and plans for the future, as well as proposals for measures that parliamentarians can advocate for through parliament, the executive power and local governments.

It was agreed that the Women\'s Parliamentary Network would consider supporting the efforts of Ethno Network in advocating for measures proposed with emphasis on cooperation with the Parliament on the organization of new exhibitions, as well as to inform local councilor networks of these measures and opportunities for engagement Ethno Network in the local communities. In addition, MPs have expressed willingness to support the initiative of Ethno Network and the international community to the mayor of Belgrade in order to launch the ethno gallery in the downtown area in Belgrade.

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